Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cruise end

(picture to follow shortly)
Seaday 13

Or maybe 14. It has been a while and i have lost track. Regardless, We are 17 hours from docking and the end of the cruise.
We can see the crew taking all non-essentials off their appointment and storing them. Deck chairs stacked and stowed. Vacant rooms loaded with material from other vacant rooms. Some of our guests left early. The menu feels like left overs. Still good and edible mind you but just not a theme as all other menus were. Our last supper menu, no connection with "The Last Supper", is an eclectic mix of fish, poultry, beef and mac n' cheese. All in all a nice way to finish.
I asked earlier if i would do this again. Not if it was a Caribbean 7 day thing but i might try for the return "Sunshine" voyage from Barcelona to New Orleans. Shorter crossing and may have worse weather but cruising on a trans-atlantic is very nice. As such, i will look for the cruises, cost effective cruises(cheap) that will give me a tour to interesting places and time on the boat in days not over night.
We said "Arrividerci" to two of our 6 dinner partners in Florence. Tonight we say the same to the other two couples. Bittersweet to be sure. We do have email addresses and are already friended on facebook by some but still...
during the cruise i have thought of some interesting topics and forgotten them by the time i return to the stateroom. Should i remember any i will jot them down and ad them to this blog. However, the next entry should be from Venice and our trials with the train system of Europe.

1 comment:

  1. " Land Ho!" Glad to hear you are still having a good time. Good-by Destiny, Hello Orient Express! You will be so rested and comfortable when you get home that you will have to drink gobs of coffee to get your wire back! LOL I am looking forward to Chapter 2," Don and Deb Ride the Train!" Love the blog!
