Monday, February 18, 2013

Firenze - Pisa

Florence - Pisa

Just returned to the ship after a rush tour of Florence and Pisa. We spent about 3.5 hours in Florence arriving about 9:00am local. It was under 50F but started warming up during the day. We walked and walked. Saw the Duomo and the Bapistry, had a beer at the Hard Rock Cafe and walked the Ponti Vencio. With this done we had plenty of time to stroll around and see interesting architecture. This trip was an "on your own" tour. We had a bus take us to the cities then we were on our own.
For your travel information, it is not the same seeing a picture then standing in front of the real thing. When we turned the  corner at the Duomo the image just stops you. i have seen pictures but the real thing is it. The same only more goes for the leaning Tower of Pisa. The scene is just stunning and caused everyone around us to gasp. There is nothing else in Pisa for tourists but it is worth every penny to see it live.
We continue to experience fantastic weather. The expected weather tomorrow in Rome is Sunny and 55F. That would make it the same as we had today and we can do that. 
We will have the same "on you own" tour tomorrow. Only this time it will be in Rome with a heck of a lot more territory to cover. We expect the same experience when we view the landmarks in Rome.
We have back to back tours so it is an early night for us. Well, maybe a beer or two.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely wonderful! To see some of the wonderful Italian landmarks in person. I spent a whole semester studying the history of Italian art and architecture. Allow me to say you are only getting a lick off the icecream cone. There is soooooo much there to see.But when the icecream cone is Italy...a lick is wonderful. Glad your weather is pleasant. We had over 100 schools closed today! The kids are starting to loose summer days now. Say "Hi" to the Pope! He is retiring at the end of the month. He will be just like us!!! Please drink a bottle of good Italian wine for me!!!
